Non-Surgical Spinal Decompression: A Revolutionary Spinal Pain Treatment
In January 2001, the FDA gave clearance to a technology that began four decades earlier with the space program. When astronauts returned from their space missions, scientists found that the astronauts were inches taller than they were before they left. Research discovered that the lack of gravity allowed their spinal discs to actually rehydrate and get taller!
What resulted was reproducing “no gravity” here on Earth to help people with disc injuries.
Several attempts were made before the FDA cleared the product now known as non-surgical
spinal decompression.
See, as you are sitting there reading this, you (along with the help of gravity) are putting
400 mmHg pressure on each disc in your lower back. If you were to stand up and bend
over to pick something up, you would double the pressure on your discs. It’s no wonder that
repetitive bending or heavy lifting is a common cause of disc injury to the lower back.
And if you have one of these “hidden subluxations” in your spine, you are literally risking severe injury just by living in Earth’s gravity!
The FDA has measured the intra-discal pressure of the disc during spinal decompression at somewhere between NEGATIVE 150-200 mmHg! This negative pressure helps your injured discs in 3 ways:
- Negative pressure creates a vacuum within the disc that literally pulls the disc material back into the center.
- When this disc material is sucked back in, the pressure on the nerve(s) is relieved and the pain goes away.
- At the same time, this vacuum effect pulls oxygen, water, and nutrients into the disc to help heal up the torn disc cartilage. This stabilizes the disc and prevents problem from returning.