Why orthotics? Well, would you wear eyeglasses that weren’t prescribed for you? Or take an over-the-counter drug for a problem that requires a prescription drug? Of course not — you take care of your health and do what is right for your overall well-being.
Most people don’t realize that they have one or more arches in their feet that have “dropped.” When one of your arches has dropped, the problem shifts to another part of your body. Functional orthotics support the three interconnected arches of your foot, the plantar vault. The structural support for the entire body’s equilibrium is gained from your plantar vaults.
Unlike generic, over-the-counter orthotics, our functional orthotics are individually designed for your unique postural problems — not just for problems with your feet. We believe that correcting imbalances in your feet can properly align your spine and pelvis.
Our functional orthotics offer more than just short-term symptom relief. They also promote whole-body wellness for your life.